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Sign up page

Signup page is the page that users submit their username and passwords , so that they would be registered users and they can login again in the future.

For the appearance of the signup page we need a form with input fields and buttons to input the data:
Make a page with "signup.php" name and enter these simple codes in it , it contains a verification field that you can find out about it in :


include ("funcs.php");
if($_SESSION["repeated_usr"] == 1){
// to show that the entered username has been selected before by an other user so it's not available to choose.
echo "please choose an other username , this is repeative";
if($_SESSION["Security_code_error"] == 1){
// to show that the security code has not been entered correctly
echo "please enter the secuity code correctly";
create_code(); // see it in the post about verification field
PLease enter username and passwords contain only numbers, Capital and Small letters and space
user NAME:
<img src="security_image.php">

When a user click on the submit button he is directed in to "mysql_1.php" page that analyzes the entered username , password and security code.
The Following codes are contents of this page ("mysql_1.php").


$_SESSION["Security_code_error"]=0; // a session element to check the security code (verification text) that should be entered correctly by user
$_SESSION["repeated_usr"] = 0; // a session element to check if the entered username has already been selected by an other user , or not?
include ("funcs.php"); //  functions look like connect (to connect to the database) and creatcode (for verification text) can be put in a file and then we included that file wherever it is required.

if(!$_POST["usr"] or !$_POST["pasw"]){
// if the username or password field is empty the browser is redirected to "signup.php" page.
 header("Location: signup.php");

$UserSecCode = strtolower($_POST["SecCode"]); // change all of the letters in to lower case
$SysSecCopde = strtolower($_SESSION["SecImageStr"]);

if($UserSecCode != $SysSecCopde){
// if security code is not entered correctly , the browser is redirected to "signup.php" page.
 $_SESSION["Security_code_error"] = 1; // this variable is sent to signup page to show the appropriate message.
 header("Location: signup.php");

// these are some processes that you can do over the enteries to prevent from database injection (hacking)


$entered_usr=trim($entered_usr); // omit the space characters from the begin and end of the word

$entered_usr = htmlspecialchars($entered_usr); // change any entery in to non-html characters (hackers may enter html characters in to your system)

$entered_pass = htmlspecialchars($entered_pass);

if(ereg("[^a-zA-z0-9\ ]",$entered_usr)){
// this condition checks the configuration of the entered username. The username should contain only capital and small letters and numbers.

 $_SESSION["repeated_usr"] = 1; // we redirect the user to signup page , but I haven't used any new session element to show this issue.

 header("Location: signup.php");


// an other series of processes over data to prevent database injection (hacking) , I'm too much cautious , you can omit them.

$entered_usr = str_replace("'", "", $entered_usr);
$entered_pass = str_replace("'", "", $entered_pass);
$entered_usr = str_replace("\\", "", $entered_usr);
$entered_pass = str_replace("\\", "", $entered_pass);

// first we check if the entered username is repeative , or not?
$Sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM  users  WHERE username='$entered_usr' ";
$Result = mysql_query($Sql) or die(mysql_error() . "<br>SQL: " . $Sql);
if(mysql_result($Result, 0) > 0 ){
 $_SESSION["repeated_usr"] = 1;
 header("Location: signup.php");


// if the entered username has no problem now we can enter username , password and  date in to our database

$Today = date("Ymd");
$salt = "qw";
$entered_pass = crypt($entered_pass,$salt); // we crypt the password not to be recovered easily.

$sql = "INSERT INTO users (username,password,joindate) VALUES ('$entered_usr','$entered_pass','$Today')";

$_SESSION["auth_usr"]=$entered_usr; // this session shows that the user has been registered and he is now loged in.

$dd = $_SESSION["d"]; // this session element contains the page (address) that the user has been redirected from it.

header("Location: $dd");

If you couldn't understand about the codes here go to the following posts to read more about the orders I have used here:

Just one more case about crypt function:

The crypted text result  =  crypt ( the text that we want to encrypt , $salt );

This function encrypt words by use of the variable $salt. if you use a two characters salt then the two first characters of the encrypted result always would be your salt.
for example :


$pass = "v1" ;
$salt = "qw";
$result = crypt($pass,$salt);
Then "$result" would be :

$result = "qwbw9k/vI9OlY"

As you can see , you can extract $salt from the encrypted data over your database just by selecting the first two characters of $result.

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